
Showing posts from March, 2015


AutoCAD drawings of building plans/designs (2D & 3D), Architectural designs, Engineering designs, Structural design/detailing, Project management & planning. Contact: 2348055767231, 2348034646220 Email: Bb pin: 2B7582A6
AutoCAD drawings of building plans/designs (2D & 3D), Architectural designs, Rendering, Engineering designs, Structural design/detailing, Project management & planning. Contact: 2348055767231, 2348034646220 Email: Bb pin: 2B7582A6

Cement Types and Characteristics of Cements

Types of Portland Cement • Different types of Portland cement are manufactured to meet the requirements for specific purposes • The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation C150 specifies the following eight types of Portland cement Type Type I Normal Type IA Normal, air entraining Type II Moderate sulfate resistance Type IIA Moderate sulfate resistance, air entraining Type III High early strength Type IIIA High early strength, air entraining Type IV Low heat of hydration Type V High sulfate resistance Type I cement • It is a general-purpose cement used in concrete for making pavements, floors, reinforced concrete buildings, bridges, tanks, pipes, etc. • It is used in concrete not subjected to aggressive exposures, such as sulfate attack from soil and water, or to an objectionable temperature rise Type II cement • It is used where precaution against moderate sulfate attack is important, as in drainage structures, wh...

Scaffolding / Formwork

Scaffolding is a temporary frame used to support people and material in the construction or building and other large structures. It is usually a modular system of metal pieced although it can be made out of other materials. The purpose of a working scaffold is to provide a safe place of work with safe access suitable for the work being done. This document sets out performance requirements for working scaffolds. These are substantially independent of the materials of which the scaffold is made. The standard is intended to be used as the basis for enquiry and design.The basic materials are tubes, couplers and boards. Basic scaffolding The key elements of a scaffold are standards, ledgers and transoms. The standards, also called uprights, are the vertical tubes that transfer the entire mass of the structure to the ground where they rest on a square base plate to spread the load. The base plate has a shank in its centre to hold the tube and is sometimes pinned to a sole board. Ledger...

Common Energy Conservation Measures

In this subsection some energy conservation measures (ECMs) commonly recommended for commercial and industrial facilities are briefly discussed. It should be noted that the list of ECMs presented below does not pretend to be exhaustive nor comprehensive. It is provided merely to indicate some of the options that the energy auditor can consider when performing an energy analysis of a commercial or an industrial facility. However, it is strongly advised that the energy auditor keeps abreast of any new technologies that can improve the facility energy efficiency. Moreover, the energy auditor should recommend the ECMs only after he performs an economical analysis for each ECM. 1. Building Envelope For some buildings, the envelope (i.e., walls, roofs, floors, windows, and doors) can have an important impact on the energy used to condition the facility. The energy auditor should determine the actual characteristics of the building envelope. During the survey, a sheet for the building en...

Energy Audit For Buildings

The energy crisis in the present day world has led us to the design of new energy efficient buildings. However the existing buildings consume a lot of conventional energy and minimizing them will help us to conserve them for future. Moreover it would help us to meet the Energy Efficiency standards. The capital costs for this conversion would be very high, but lower energy bills over a long period of time would offset them and helps to achieve significant profits for the industry as well as the environment. Energy audit involves the systematic collection and analysis of energy data from a particular facility for implementing energy conservation measures. An energy audit establishes both where and how energy is being used, and the potential for energy savings. It includes a walk-through survey, a review of energy using systems, analysis of energy use and the preparation of an energy budget, and provides a baseline from which energy consumption can be compared over time. An audit can...

Concrete Mix Design And Its Advantages

Concrete mix design is of two types: 1. Nominal concrete mix 2. Designed concrete mix Nominal concrete mixes are those specified by standard codes for common construction works. These mix takes into consideration the margin for quality control, material quality and workmanship in concrete construction. M10, M15, M20 are the commonly used nominal mixes used in construction. For higher grade of concrete, i.e. M25 and above, it is advised to have designed mix concrete. Designed mix concrete suggests proportions of cement, sand, aggregates and water (and sometimes admixtures) based on actual material quality, degree of quality control, quality of materials and their moisture content for given concrete compressive strength required for the project. Designed mix concrete are carried out in laboratory and based on various tests and revisions in mix designs, the final mix proportions are suggested. The concrete mix can be designed from M10 to various grades of concrete such as ...

Risk in PPP Projects

CLASSIFICATION OF RISK Understanding and addressing the risks of a PPP project early on is important for both the parties in PPP. This chapter presents many of the risks involved and actions that can be taken to mitigate them. Promoters would invest in a project only if the risks in the project are less than the reward which the project fetches. PPP projects carry several risks that are unique to this type of delivery system in addition to the risks associated with more traditional assignments. Some of the risks in PPP are Market and revenue risks. Design risks Construction risks Operating risks Financial risks Political risks Legal risks Environment risks Force Majeure risks 1. Market and Revenue risks Revenue risk is the uncertainty in relation to the revenue that a project would actually generate. The market and revenue risks that a PPP project may face can be grouped into the three broad areas discussed below. Insufficient Income from Fares or Tolls. In the c...