
Showing posts from May, 2016

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New Solar Cell Converts Heat to Light to Break Energy Production Barrier

Interesting Engineering > Engineering > Energy > New Solar Cell Converts Heat to Light to Break Energy Production Barrier New Solar Cell Converts Heat to Light to Break Energy Production Barrier Energy May 26, 2016TREVOR ENGLISH Trevor English MIT has been working to make solar power more efficient and sustainable for some time now, in fact, not too long ago a research team developed a method of stacking solar cells that would almost double their capture efficiency. Now, a team of engineers at MIT have overcome the limit that was thought to forever define how much energy you could capture from the Sun, the Shockley-Queisser Limit. This Limit essentially states that there is a cap on the amount of power that can be collected by a solar cell due to the wide range of light frequencies, which is around 32 percent, according to Gizmodo. The new solar cells were designed to convert the excess heat energy from the sun into light energy that can be reabsorbed by the solar cell....