In large work or in major construction works, cement is generally stored at site. The cement must be stored in such a manner so that, it can be easily accessible for proper inspection. The building in which cement is stored should be water tight in order to prevent dampness. The guidelines given below should be observed while storing the cement. 1. Cement should not be stored for a long period. During rainy season, the storage time period of cement should be as minimal as possible. 2. Dampness in godowns must be avoided. 3. Cement should not be piled against the wall. A minimum space of 60 cm all –round should be left between the exterior walls and the stacks. The distance between two consecutive stacks should be minimum to reduce circulation of air. 4. Cement should not be piled directly on the floor; instead it should be piled off the floor on wooden planks/crates so as to be clear off the floor by at least 10 to 20 cm. 5. There should not be more than 15 bags in one pile. This...